Tuesday, 27 July 2010

Mark and Emilyjane's wedding

 Well what can I say !!

Stuart and myself had a great day photographing the preparations, the wedding and the reception party and as Stuart has said we were made to feel very welcome. I think that our photographs will show that we were very much on the inside of the party where all the best shots can be taken !!

Many thanks to Mark and Emilyjane and best wishes for your future together and I hope everyone enjoys looking at the photographs as much as we enjoyed taking them !!

We will display our pictures of Mark and Emilyjane's day here on our website, in the Client albums section.
If you would like to be notified when the pictures are uploaded please send us your email address using the Contact form.


Sunday, 25 July 2010

The wedding of Mr & Mrs Peters

On Saturday 24th July 2010 Laurence James Photography captured the wedding of Mark & Emilyjane Peter's. The wedding ceremony was held at St Mary's church in Broomfield, Chelmsford and the reception took place in a beautiful marquee back at the Peter's residence.

The weather was fantastic and everyone enjoyed the food, drink and entertainment well into the early hours. I'm sure there will be a few sore heads today!

It was a privilege to be part of the wedding and everybody made us feel very welcome. We will display our pictures of Mark and Emilyjane's day here on our website, in the Client albums section.

If you would like to be notified when the pictures are uploaded please send us your email address using the Contact form.

Thanks again for a wonderful day and we wish the new Mr and Mrs Peters the best of luck for the future.


Wednesday, 7 July 2010

Welcome to Laurence James Photography

Welcome to the Laurence James Photography website.

This is the first blog of many and its purpose is to tell you a bit about us, what we do, where we are going and where we have been!

Laurence James photography was an idea that was born in January 2010. We are two very good friends with a passion for photography that have decided to take our hobby one step further. We have studied photography for almost five years and have both been members of the Chelmlsford Camera Club and hold a City and Guilds certificate in Image Capture and Digital Manipulation.

In 2009 we were asked to photograph a friends wedding. The positive feedback and subsequent requests to capture other weddings and occasions has been phenomenal. So many people have said to us that we should start our own photography business, so we have!

We didn't rush to start Laurence James Photography, in fact we thought about it for months, we have both been quite content fitting in the odd wedding and portrait shoot in between our full time jobs. There was a risk that our passion could soon become a chore but in fact it has been quite the opposite. The more weddings and portraits we do the more we want. It's got to the point where we want to do it all day every day, so this is where we are.

We're very realistic that Laurence James Photography will not become a success overnight and for that reason we won't give up our day jobs just yet. However, we do believe that with our passion and enthusiasim and our ability to capture great moments we will exceed customer expectation and it won't be long before we start thinking about it...

Laurence James Photography is officially open for business!
